5 Code Refactoring Techniques to Improve Your Codebase
Writing code is only a small portion of the effort involved in software development. Sustaining and enhancing the code over time presents the true problem. Coding refactoring is useful in this situation. Making your code more legible, maintainable, and efficient is what refactoring is like—giving it a makeover. To help you improve your code, we’ll look at five code refactoring strategies in this blog post.
1. Extract methods for readability
A novel where a page is dedicated to each paragraph is what you might read. Following the plot would be difficult, wouldn’t it? The code follows the same rules. It can be challenging to comprehend long, complicated functions. Your code is more legible and maintained when you extract smaller, more useful functions. To make it easy to understand and debug, each method should have a single task.
# Before Refactoring
def calculate_total_price(cart_items):
total_price = 0
for item in cart_items:
total_price += item.price
return total_price
# After Refactoring
def calculate_total_price(cart_items):
return sum(item.price for item in cart_items)
2. Eliminate code duplication
Maintainability’s adversary is duplicate code. There is a greater chance of problems when the same code is used in several places and changes must be made there as well. Duplication can be found and removed with the aid of refactoring. Encapsulate common functionality in reusable functions or classes to maintain consistency and lower the likelihood of introducing issues.
// Before Refactoring
function calculateAreaOfSquare(sideLength) {
return sideLength * sideLength;
function calculateAreaOfRectangle(length, width) {
return length * width;
// After Refactoring
function calculateArea(length, width) {
return length * width;
3. Use descriptive variables and function names
More often than not, code is read rather than created. Hence, it is essential for code understanding to have precise and evocative variable and function names. Keep single-letter variable names and cryptic abbreviations away. Make sure your name communicates the code’s context and goal.
// Before Refactoring
int x = 10;
int y = 5;
int r = x + y;
// After Refactoring
int width = 10;
int height = 5;
int sum = width + height;
4. Break down large classes
It might be challenging to manage and keep up with large courses with an excessive number of duties. Split up big classes into more manageable, concentrated ones. Every class ought to embody associated functionalities and possess a distinct aim. Code organization is enhanced, and testing and extending the code is made simpler.
// Before Refactoring
class OrderProcessing {
// Lots of methods and properties here
// After Refactoring
class Order {
// Order-related properties and methods
class PaymentProcessor {
// Payment-related properties and methods
5. Write unit tests
A strong collection of unit tests is a prerequisite for safer refactoring. By ensuring that your code continues to function as intended even after changes, tests serve as a safety net. Unit tests should be written and frequently executed for all important sections of your code. Because you will know that no regressions will be introduced, you can refactor with confidence.
def test_calculate_total_price():
cart_items = [CartItem(price=10), CartItem(price=20)]
assert calculate_total_price(cart_items) == 30
As a result, every developer needs to be proficient in code refactoring. Use these strategies to improve the readability, maintainability, and bug-free nature of your code. Keep in mind that refactoring is a continuous process, so don’t be afraid to frequent your code and make necessary modifications. Cheers to your next coding project!