Business Challenge

Our client has grown its business from a start-up to a mid-size business and much of the company processes are people centric. For this reason, it is very hard to grow and not cost-efficient. They needed help streamlining the process of recruiting new medical providers and handling payments and complaints. The option of having a built-in list of US medical providers for a fast search would be a benefit.

Business Challenge

MVP-Soft proposed building a custom responsive web application with CRM, billing, recruiting, tasks, and complaint module. Modules are designed to be per a company department and having such a clear and process-oriented approach will be easy for users to adopt new solution and make them more efficient.


We have built a scalable solution that can support not only the current user base but also added a customer portal on top. For this purpose we have implemented:
CRM module to have a full record of all medical providers that the company is currently working with and we have imported the whole US medical providers database for easy searching
Recruiting module for handling recruiting process.
Billing module for handling payments
Complaint module for handling customer (medical provider) complaints.
Task module for business-oriented tasks
Customer portal where medical providers can log in and see/manage their data
Analytics module to give a better overview of the company data.

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Client’s day-to-day business is around repairing electrical equipment either in their own laboratories, or shipping them out to the vendors, or doing an onsite repair inside medical provider facilities.


The marketing company identified a small group of sole proprietors and their need for a simple and cost-effective CRM. Scalability and ease of expansion should be features of the platform.

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